Source code for hangman.controller

# coding=utf-8

This module is responsible for guiding the user through the game.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from hangman.utils import FlashMessage, GameOver, GameWon, GameFinished
from . import view
from .model import Hangman

# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]def game_loop(game=Hangman(), flash=FlashMessage()): """ Main game loop. :param hangman.model.Hangman game: Hangman game instance. :param hangman.utils.FlashMessage flash: FlashMessage utility :return: """ while True: try: view.draw_board(game, message=flash) letter = view.prompt_guess() game.guess(letter) except GameOver: flash.game_over = True flash.game_answer = game.answer except GameWon: flash.game_won = True except ValueError as msg: flash(msg) except KeyboardInterrupt: return view.say_goodbye() except GameFinished: break if view.prompt_play_again(): # reuse classes originally passed into function GameClass, FlashClass = game.__class__, flash.__class__ return game_loop(game=GameClass(), flash=FlashClass()) return view.say_goodbye()