Source code for hangman.view

# coding=utf-8

This module handles user interaction. Printing and prompting.
from __future__ import absolute_import
# noinspection PyCompatibility
from builtins import zip
import click
from hangman.utils import FlashMessage, GameFinished

# -------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]def draw_board(game, message=FlashMessage()): """ Present the game status with pictures. Clears the screen. Flashes any messages. Zip the two halves of the picture together. :param hangman.Hangman game: game instance :param hangman.utils.FlashMessage message: flash message :raises: hangman.utils.GameFinished :return: self """ # setup click.clear() partial_picture = build_partial_picture(game.remaining_turns) partial_status = build_partial_status(game.misses) # print print_partial_message(message) print_partial_header() print_partial_body(partial_picture, partial_status) print_partial_footer(game.status) # raise to break game loop if message.game_over or message.game_won: raise GameFinished
[docs]def say_goodbye(): """ Write a goodbye message. """ click.secho('Have a nice day!', bold=True, fg='green', blink=True) return print_spacer() # PROMPT USER INPUT # -------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def prompt_guess(): """ Prompt user for a single keystroke. :return: a single letter :raises: KeyboardInterrupt """ print_spacer() click.secho('Dare to pick a letter: ', dim=True, bold=True) letter = click.getchar() if letter == '\x03': raise KeyboardInterrupt return letter
[docs]def prompt_play_again(): """ Prompt user to play again. :rtype: bool :return: bool response """ print_spacer() return click.confirm('Double or nothings?') # BUILD PARTIAL BLOCKS # -------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def build_partial_picture(remaining_turns): """ Generator. Draw the iconic hangman game status. :param int remaining_turns: Number of turns remaining. :return: Line of picture. """ yield ' _____' yield ' | |' if remaining_turns <= 9: yield ' (_) |' else: yield ' |' if remaining_turns <= 5: yield ' \|/ |' elif remaining_turns <= 6: yield ' \| |' elif remaining_turns <= 8: yield ' | |' else: yield ' |' if remaining_turns <= 7: yield ' | |' else: yield ' |' if remaining_turns <= 4: yield ' | |' else: yield ' |' if remaining_turns <= 1: yield ' _/ \ |' elif remaining_turns <= 2: yield ' / \ |' elif remaining_turns <= 3: yield ' / |' else: yield ' |' yield '________|_'
[docs]def build_partial_status(misses_block): """ Generator. Draw game status. :return: Line of status. """ misses_block = ' '.join('{0:_<10s}'.format(''.join(misses_block))) yield '' yield '' yield '' yield '{0:s}{1:s}'.format(' ' * 5, 'MISSES:') yield '{0:s}{1:s}'.format(' ' * 5, misses_block) yield '' yield '' yield '' yield '' yield '' # PRINT PARTIAL BLOCKS # -------------------------------------------------------------------